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This isn’t a law-related question but rather a human relationship question: Do you have suggestions in how to acknowledge and own my own feelings of disappointment while also effectively expressing myself to another who doesn’t necessarily have the self-awareness and/or is in a chronic state of feeling helpless to have the capacity to consider my feelings as well? I notice my tendency is to withdraw from a person/relationship (when expressing my hurt or disappointment has been met defensively) but I am wanting to break this pattern of mine to be able to find a ground where I can accept this person as she is without feeling disappointed or taking it personally. Is a relationship like this possible without expecting/hoping for reciprocity?

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  1. I have used to gain empowerment in dealing with myself in relationship. The upset technology is based on that each of us walk around in a low grade upset from the unfulfilled expectations, thwarted intentions and undelivered communications. I used to blame others for my upset, like they did it to me, when I started dealing with my expectations, intention and communications I was able to release my frustrations. More importantly, i am less likely to get pulled into others upsets because I have nothing to do with their upsets.